• I have returned! It been crazy for these last few months, currently searching for employment then moving again. UGH! I just want this all over with
    I have returned! It been crazy for these last few months, currently searching for employment then moving again. UGH! I just want this all over with
    1 Comments 0 Shares 440552 Views
  • Lightning Siren in alert
    then Lightning Siren all clear
    Loud asf.
    Lightning Siren in alert https://youtube.com/shorts/ZtE-4CrWO0I then Lightning Siren all clear https://youtube.com/shorts/g-orcJ6cGHg Loud asf.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 237426 Views
  • Birthday Stream Coming Up! November 30th at 5pm EST


    3 Hour Stream

    Stream Description Below

    Today is November 30th

    This is a big day for me! I am officially the age of 21 yrs old.

    In This Stream

    - Greenville Beta (Role-play) Playing as WSP (Wisconsin State Patrol 1hr of the stream
    - Emergency Response Liberty County (ERLC) Sheriff Team (Maybe depending on if I decide on changing games in between

    Discussions I will be having throughout the stream!
    - My Birthday
    - Birthday donations aka via (Ca$h App) $DeanDrobnyk is my cash tag. Any amount matters, But please do not overdo it. Hamster Network viewers, if you decide to donate to me, I'll be leaving a percentage for Hamster Network! Donations will close after December 3rd! Hamster network viewers you have until December 3rd to donate to me,

    Live Stream: Starts and Ends at
    Starts at 5 pm. Break at 6:30 pm
    Ends at 8 pm

    If you have questions or concerns please let me know in the chats, and if you have a discord! Please drop your name and # and I will automatically add you if you are a subscribed fan.

    This will be my last live stream for a while, so please I hope you like this one, and like the content that I provided, It has been very difficult to make content. I am brain-dead. Also, I am possibly going to be uploading a vlog in December on the 11th I think, I will double check, and I am going to upload a Trip Vlog to Chicago, IL! I will try to record it on the plane to Chicago. I will see if I can, I need to ask for permission first before recording.

    Trip Information
    I will be flying in Premium Economy on the way to Chicago than on the way back I will be flying First Class, So I will record the whole experience for both directions, and both classes. Also, the Viewer Description is advised on that video, It will contain Alcohol so please watch at your own risk. I may age-restrict the video. So it is only for 18-year-olds and up. Nothing will be bad in the video, but if it contains alcohol then I will rather be careful of posting it. The video is going to be only Clips on the airline travel to Chicago. I may post more photos on HamsterNetwork.com. So please stay tuned!

    Sorry for the long text, But I wanted to inform you about my Trip Vlog, So if you guys have any questions please ask in the chat!
    Birthday Stream Coming Up! November 30th at 5pm EST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqoWqdFB0qk 3 Hour Stream Stream Description Below Today is November 30th This is a big day for me! I am officially the age of 21 yrs old. In This Stream - Greenville Beta (Role-play) Playing as WSP (Wisconsin State Patrol 1hr of the stream - Emergency Response Liberty County (ERLC) Sheriff Team (Maybe depending on if I decide on changing games in between Discussions I will be having throughout the stream! - My Birthday - Birthday donations aka via (Ca$h App) $DeanDrobnyk is my cash tag. Any amount matters, But please do not overdo it. Hamster Network viewers, if you decide to donate to me, I'll be leaving a percentage for Hamster Network! Donations will close after December 3rd! Hamster network viewers you have until December 3rd to donate to me, Live Stream: Starts and Ends at Starts at 5 pm. Break at 6:30 pm Ends at 8 pm If you have questions or concerns please let me know in the chats, and if you have a discord! Please drop your name and # and I will automatically add you if you are a subscribed fan. This will be my last live stream for a while, so please I hope you like this one, and like the content that I provided, It has been very difficult to make content. I am brain-dead. Also, I am possibly going to be uploading a vlog in December on the 11th I think, I will double check, and I am going to upload a Trip Vlog to Chicago, IL! I will try to record it on the plane to Chicago. I will see if I can, I need to ask for permission first before recording. Trip Information I will be flying in Premium Economy on the way to Chicago than on the way back I will be flying First Class, So I will record the whole experience for both directions, and both classes. Also, the Viewer Description is advised on that video, It will contain Alcohol so please watch at your own risk. I may age-restrict the video. So it is only for 18-year-olds and up. Nothing will be bad in the video, but if it contains alcohol then I will rather be careful of posting it. The video is going to be only Clips on the airline travel to Chicago. I may post more photos on HamsterNetwork.com. So please stay tuned! Sorry for the long text, But I wanted to inform you about my Trip Vlog, So if you guys have any questions please ask in the chat!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 98181 Views
  • Happy Thanksgiving!


    Also, I want to say thank you to the staff members of Hamster Network for giving me an opportunity of keeping the online platform safe and secure from posts and things. I can't wait for the next future updates of Hamster Network (HN). Also, Hamster Network is one of the things I am truly thankful for. Without Hamster Network, I don't know what I would do.

    If you donate any amount, just don't overdo it. Also if you donate from Hamster Network. A percentage of the money will go and support Hamster Network!
    Happy Thanksgiving! https://youtu.be/BIOMPC5ktKs Also, I want to say thank you to the staff members of Hamster Network for giving me an opportunity of keeping the online platform safe and secure from posts and things. I can't wait for the next future updates of Hamster Network (HN). Also, Hamster Network is one of the things I am truly thankful for. Without Hamster Network, I don't know what I would do. If you donate any amount, just don't overdo it. Also if you donate from Hamster Network. A percentage of the money will go and support Hamster Network!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 42731 Views
  • I literary changed my ringtone to The intro song to The movie: Halloween. Time to get spooky.

    Use Promo Code spooky at checkout on all purchases 15% off

    I will be ordering stuff hopefully soon!
    I literary changed my ringtone to The intro song to The movie: Halloween. Time to get spooky. Use Promo Code spooky at checkout on all purchases 15% off I will be ordering stuff hopefully soon!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 30317 Views
  • I got a busy weekend coming up.

    the 5 things that I am going to be working on over this weekend.

    1. Working at my part-time job, possibly working double shifts for example. 9am-9pm or the short shifts are like 10am-4pm EST
    2. Working on a new server on Discord that I am in the process of launching in the next few months.
    3. Doing homework, getting all my tasks done for my college.
    4. Reaching out to my Supervisor, at my new job if he heard anything from Human Resources.
    5. Get the chance to Relax and have the chance to put my feet up unless other things get in the way of that.
    I got a busy weekend coming up. ----------------------------> the 5 things that I am going to be working on over this weekend. 1. Working at my part-time job, possibly working double shifts for example. 9am-9pm or the short shifts are like 10am-4pm EST 2. Working on a new server on Discord that I am in the process of launching in the next few months. 3. Doing homework, getting all my tasks done for my college. 4. Reaching out to my Supervisor, at my new job if he heard anything from Human Resources. 5. Get the chance to Relax and have the chance to put my feet up unless other things get in the way of that.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 18276 Views
  • I have exciting news! On Tuesday May 10th. I have an interview with my local police department. I am applying for a position as a Police Aide.

    My Duties would be if I get the job.

    Part A:

    ******* school buses to and from school; provides ******* for other vehicles as needed.
    ******* oversized vehicles as necessary and required.
    Directs traffic at designated times and locations, accidents and at special events.
    Sets up and removes traffic barriers.
    Assists visitors and residents, whenever required, and serves as a contract point for tourist information.
    Works on special assignments and projects as assigned.

    Part B:
    Checks public parking areas for proper permits and issues tickets for violations.
    Maintains and repairs public parking meters.
    Collects parking meter revenue and credit card deposits and accounts for funds collected on a daily basis.
    Enforces roadway and right of way restrictions.
    Represents the City in County Court actions relating to parking citations issued.
    Works on special assignments and projects as assigned.

    Part C:
    Patrols City neighborhoods to monitor adherence to the City's watering restrictions due to drought conditions.
    Issues Notice of Warning to residents who violate the restrictions.
    Notifies Law Enforcement when an address with a prior warning has a second violation.
    I have exciting news! On Tuesday May 10th. I have an interview with my local police department. I am applying for a position as a Police Aide. My Duties would be if I get the job. Duties Part A: Escorts school buses to and from school; provides escorts for other vehicles as needed. Escorts oversized vehicles as necessary and required. Directs traffic at designated times and locations, accidents and at special events. Sets up and removes traffic barriers. Assists visitors and residents, whenever required, and serves as a contract point for tourist information. Works on special assignments and projects as assigned. Part B: Checks public parking areas for proper permits and issues tickets for violations. Maintains and repairs public parking meters. Collects parking meter revenue and credit card deposits and accounts for funds collected on a daily basis. Enforces roadway and right of way restrictions. Represents the City in County Court actions relating to parking citations issued. Works on special assignments and projects as assigned. Part C: Patrols City neighborhoods to monitor adherence to the City's watering restrictions due to drought conditions. Issues Notice of Warning to residents who violate the restrictions. Notifies Law Enforcement when an address with a prior warning has a second violation.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 43209 Views
  • #RC #Nitro #Petral #Car Nitro RC car with brand new wheels!
    #RC #Nitro #Petral #Car Nitro RC car with brand new wheels!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 12849 Views